Rabu, 11 Juni 2014


When Scientific Writing Working Experience

My name is Reza Priyadi. I am a fourth year student at the University Gunadarma. Does not feel I had almost 8 semesters of college. Many struggles that I experienced during the lecture, one of which is made ​​of Scientific Writing. Scientific writing is a requirement that must be done by each student who has been to the 6th semester undergraduate level 1. Scientific Writing is a research papers in the field, library research, or a combination of both. Scientific Writing must be completed within 3 months after the Scientific Writing   supervisor know each student.

Two weeks after the 6th semester classes begin division supervisor was already determined. I got a supervisor of Kalimalang is mrs. tiwi anggraeni. I may be a bit lucky not to get a professor who stay in Depok, because it is too far when it should be the guidance and meet lecturers in Depok.

A week before the guidance begins, I have prepared a few titles that I will ask. I am looking for some reference titles from the library and from the internet. Finally I found the title quite I understand that is about marketing strategy. Once I determine the title then I specify the object to be studied. Initially I was confused what company would I carefully because quite difficult requested data if the company does not know the person inside. Lucky my uncle who worked at PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari willing to help me. Object was determined at PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari.

The first week consul mrs tiwi provide initial guidance on scientific writing and how writing also other things such as the formulation of the problem, the object of study, and others. All described in detail by Mrs. tiwi. Mrs. tiwi very strict and disciplined, he does not like the student who plagiarized scientific work of others.

The second week of my new counsel filed a title. Title I ask is "Marketing Strategy at PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari ". Mrs. tiwi still consider my proposed title, because he thinks the title is as unsuitable for scientific writing for students of S1, the title is more appropriate for students majoring in D3. But in the end mrs tiwi approve my proposed title even though he was still in doubt.

After the acc title, chapter 1 that I ask a lot of revisions that have not been able to move on to chapter 2. At the next meeting revise my next chapter 1 and go to chapter 2 and chapter 3. Mrs tiwi week after that make a decision that makes me very surprised. It turns out that the title of my marketing strategy was canceled and I was told to find a new title. I wonder what made ​​him change his mind. At that time I was very disappointed, upset, sad, angry, confused, because I had to make a scientific writing from scratch again.
I was disappointed at the time, but I do not despair. I returned to find a reference titles. Finally I decided to change the title to "Analysis of Employment Employee Assignment Method Using Hungarian At PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari In Cikarang-Bekasi. Alhamdulliah Mrs. tiwi directly approve the title. I am very happy and excited again. I also continue to search the data by visiting the company I thoroughly object. Once I get the data. The preparation was resumed immediately made ​​me chapter 1 and chapter 2, since I've been lagging pretty far from my friends.

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 has been completed and has been checked and revised, as there are some that are less precise writing as the purpose of writing and problem definition. Chapter 2 is not so much less revision only includes the name of the author of the book when writing down the definition. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 was completed in revision. I keep the spirit

Chapter 3 of the research methodology, in this chapter I tell about the profile of firms, ranging from the history of the company, organizational structure, vision and mission of the company, the core of the company profile. It's very easy for me to get all the data company to company when my observation, after a check by a supervisor in chapter 3 turns me no revision at all. I am very happy and very excited to move on to chapter 4.

In chapter 4 this is the pinnacle of scientific writing, as in chapter 4 we have to process the data and really should be careful in performing the calculations. It took a struggle to be able to finish this chapter 4, prayers, and efforts as well as help from friends to chapter 4 is resolved. Mrs. tiwi very thorough in checking out chapter 4 of this, until I have 3 times to further revisions to you the last chapter is chapter 5.

Chapter 5 I had already done quickly and been revised by tiwi mrs. After all that is done then I make the foreword, cover, table of contents, attachments, sheet attestation, and other abstractions. Once everything is trimmed Alhamdulillah finally mrs tiwi give consent decree for siding. I am very happy because I have not struggle in vain.

Finally, in August 2013 I trial in Kalimalang. Examiner was waiting in the courtroom. Thanks to good preparation I managed to answer all the questions from the 3 examiners. After the session I was very relieved, no longer load on my mind. The value of scientific writing is quite satisfactory. That was my experience when making scientific writing. Whatever happens, keep fighting and trying, and never give up.

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