Rabu, 11 Juni 2014


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Full Name                   : Reza Priyadi

Sex                             : Male

Place, Date of Birth     : Bekasi, 2 April 1992

Nationality                   : Indonesia

Marital Status              : Single

Height, Weight             : 180 cm, 77 kg

Health                          : excelent

Religions                      : Moslem

Address                       : Jalan Banteng, Kranji

Phone, Mobile             : 021 - 88959687

E-mail                          : rezapriyadi@gmail.com

Educational Background

1997 - 2003 : SD Negeri Kranji 5, Bekasi
2003 - 2006 : SMP Negeri 4, Bekasi
2006- 2009 : SMA Yadika 9, Bekasi
2010 - 2014 : Gunadarma University


My name is Reza Priyadi. I was the 2nd child of 3 brothers. I was born and grew up in jakarta. My father worked as an employee in one company in Jakarta and my mother worked as a housewife. I have 1 brother and 1 sister.

I love to read and happy with the new things. I also like to hang out with my friends. My hobby is playing basketball and football. Every day I always exercise. I also hobbies besides traveling, singing and cycling.

I start school at SDN Kranji 5 bekasi, then proceed to the SMP 4 bekasi, and in high school I went on at Yadika 9 Bekasi. When I graduated high school I worked at PT. SML as an employee for 1 year. And now I went to college at the University Gunadarma Bekasi, Faculty of Economics, majoring in economic management. Now I've 8th semester and hopefully I can pass this year with good results.

After graduation I want to work and then went on to pursue S2. I also want to be an entrepreneur. I love the competition and challenges. I believe I can become a successful entrepreneur.


When Scientific Writing Working Experience

My name is Reza Priyadi. I am a fourth year student at the University Gunadarma. Does not feel I had almost 8 semesters of college. Many struggles that I experienced during the lecture, one of which is made ​​of Scientific Writing. Scientific writing is a requirement that must be done by each student who has been to the 6th semester undergraduate level 1. Scientific Writing is a research papers in the field, library research, or a combination of both. Scientific Writing must be completed within 3 months after the Scientific Writing   supervisor know each student.

Two weeks after the 6th semester classes begin division supervisor was already determined. I got a supervisor of Kalimalang is mrs. tiwi anggraeni. I may be a bit lucky not to get a professor who stay in Depok, because it is too far when it should be the guidance and meet lecturers in Depok.

A week before the guidance begins, I have prepared a few titles that I will ask. I am looking for some reference titles from the library and from the internet. Finally I found the title quite I understand that is about marketing strategy. Once I determine the title then I specify the object to be studied. Initially I was confused what company would I carefully because quite difficult requested data if the company does not know the person inside. Lucky my uncle who worked at PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari willing to help me. Object was determined at PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari.

The first week consul mrs tiwi provide initial guidance on scientific writing and how writing also other things such as the formulation of the problem, the object of study, and others. All described in detail by Mrs. tiwi. Mrs. tiwi very strict and disciplined, he does not like the student who plagiarized scientific work of others.

The second week of my new counsel filed a title. Title I ask is "Marketing Strategy at PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari ". Mrs. tiwi still consider my proposed title, because he thinks the title is as unsuitable for scientific writing for students of S1, the title is more appropriate for students majoring in D3. But in the end mrs tiwi approve my proposed title even though he was still in doubt.

After the acc title, chapter 1 that I ask a lot of revisions that have not been able to move on to chapter 2. At the next meeting revise my next chapter 1 and go to chapter 2 and chapter 3. Mrs tiwi week after that make a decision that makes me very surprised. It turns out that the title of my marketing strategy was canceled and I was told to find a new title. I wonder what made ​​him change his mind. At that time I was very disappointed, upset, sad, angry, confused, because I had to make a scientific writing from scratch again.
I was disappointed at the time, but I do not despair. I returned to find a reference titles. Finally I decided to change the title to "Analysis of Employment Employee Assignment Method Using Hungarian At PT. Sumber Makmur Lestari In Cikarang-Bekasi. Alhamdulliah Mrs. tiwi directly approve the title. I am very happy and excited again. I also continue to search the data by visiting the company I thoroughly object. Once I get the data. The preparation was resumed immediately made ​​me chapter 1 and chapter 2, since I've been lagging pretty far from my friends.

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 has been completed and has been checked and revised, as there are some that are less precise writing as the purpose of writing and problem definition. Chapter 2 is not so much less revision only includes the name of the author of the book when writing down the definition. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 was completed in revision. I keep the spirit

Chapter 3 of the research methodology, in this chapter I tell about the profile of firms, ranging from the history of the company, organizational structure, vision and mission of the company, the core of the company profile. It's very easy for me to get all the data company to company when my observation, after a check by a supervisor in chapter 3 turns me no revision at all. I am very happy and very excited to move on to chapter 4.

In chapter 4 this is the pinnacle of scientific writing, as in chapter 4 we have to process the data and really should be careful in performing the calculations. It took a struggle to be able to finish this chapter 4, prayers, and efforts as well as help from friends to chapter 4 is resolved. Mrs. tiwi very thorough in checking out chapter 4 of this, until I have 3 times to further revisions to you the last chapter is chapter 5.

Chapter 5 I had already done quickly and been revised by tiwi mrs. After all that is done then I make the foreword, cover, table of contents, attachments, sheet attestation, and other abstractions. Once everything is trimmed Alhamdulillah finally mrs tiwi give consent decree for siding. I am very happy because I have not struggle in vain.

Finally, in August 2013 I trial in Kalimalang. Examiner was waiting in the courtroom. Thanks to good preparation I managed to answer all the questions from the 3 examiners. After the session I was very relieved, no longer load on my mind. The value of scientific writing is quite satisfactory. That was my experience when making scientific writing. Whatever happens, keep fighting and trying, and never give up.

Rabu, 02 April 2014

16 Macam Tenses dan Contohnya

16 Macam Tenses dan Contohnya

Tenses is a verb tenses in English that aims to show the time (present, future, or the past) as well as the occurrence of an act or event. Tenses itself is divided into three major parts, namely: Past, Present, Future. And in the Indonesian language means Past, Present, and Later. Tenses themselves divided into 16 forms. 4 is in the past tense. 4 and 8 in the present tense again in the future tense.

A.      Present
Present work is a word that can be spelled more accurately show the current time, the present is divided into four tenses, namely present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense.

1.   Present tense

Present tense is a verb form used to express facts, habits, events, activities, events and so on that occur at this time. Present Tense is also used to express a fact, or something that happens over and over again in the present. Verb form is most commonly used in English
Formula :

( + )  S + V1 (s/es)
( - )   S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
( ? )  DO/DOES + S + V1
 Example :

(+)  he drinks milk
(- )  he doesn’t drink milk
(?)  does he drink milk ?

2.   Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense is a verb form that is used to declare, say, discuss ongoing action now (present) or plan to in the future (future). Due to use in the present or future. This tense is often accompanied by an adverb of time to clarify.
Formula :

( + ) S + Tobe +Ving
( - )   S +Tobe +Not + Ving
( ? )  Tobe + S + Ving

Example :

  ( + ) We are studying now
   (- )  We aren’t studying now
   (?)   Are you studying now ?

3.   Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect is a form of work that is used to declare an act or event that has been done and is still associated with the present
Formula :

( + )  S + Have/has + V3
( - )  S + Have/has Not + V3
( ? )  Have/has + S + V3

Example :

(+) I have lived here for 2 years
(- ) I haven’t lived here 2 years
(?) Have you lived here 2 years ?

4.   Present perfect continuous tense

Present perfect continuous tense of a verb form that is primarily used to declare an event or events that had just finished.
Formula :   
( + ) S + Have/has + been + Ving
( - )  S  + have/has + not + been + Ving
( ? ) have/has + S + been + Ving

 Example :
(+) She has been eating
(- ) She has not been eating
(?) Has She been eating ?

B.      Past

Past is a verb which arguably shows more precisely the first time / is already past, the past tense is divided into four, ie past tense, past continuous tense, past tense and the past perfect perfecet continuous tense

1.         Past tense

ense past tense is used to express the events that have "Past". Past here should not have been too long, which is already gone, already passed. That emphasis. Maybe yesterday, an hour ago, 1 year ago, one century ago, and so on.

 Formula :

  ( + )  S + V2
  ( - )   S + did + not + V1
  ( ? )   Did + S + V1

Example :

(+) He bought a pair of shoes yesterday
(- ) He didn’t buy a pair of shoes yesterday
(?) Did he buy a pair of shoes yesterday ?

2.    Past continuous tense

Past continuous tense is used to merupaka tense to express events that are happening as well, but it is going sekarangg, but was going on but once, but it was over.
Formula :

( + ) S + was/were +Ving
( - )  S + was/were + not + Ving
( ? ) Was/were + S + Ving

Example :

(+) He was cooking
(- ) He was not cooking
(?) Was he cooking ?

3.    Past perfect tense

Past perfect tense is the form used to indicate the time, expressing the things that has been completed at that time (in the past / past time).
Formula :

( + )  S + Had + V3
( - )   S + had + not + V3
( ? )   had + S + V3

 Example :

(+) My parents had already eaten by the time i got home
(- ) Sam had not left when we got there
(?) When your son was in the junior high school, had you lived there ?

4.    Past perfect continuous tense

past perfect continuous tense is used to express the form of the thing or event that something has happened in the past and currently.

Formula :

( + ) S + had + been + Ving
( - )  S + Had +  not + been + Ving
( ? )  had + S + been + Ving

Example :

(+) She had been reading a novel
(- ) She had not reading a novel
(?) Had She been reading a novel ?
C. Future

Futures is a verb which shows the time arguably more precisely Later / that has not happened, the future is divided into 8 forms, namely: the future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense, future tense past, past continuous futures tense, future perfect tense past, future and past continuous tense perfect.

1.   Future tense

Future tense is used to form time to declare an act or event which will Happen. Later future tense is about. Something meaning he is a future
Formula :
( + )  S + will + V1
( - )   S + will + not + V1
( ? )  Will + S + V1

  Example :

(+)  He wiil go to Bandung tomorrow
(- )  He will not go to Bandung tomorrow
(?)  Will he go to Bandung tomorrow ?

2.   Future continuous tense

Future continuous tense present tense used to express an event that is happening or will be being done at a certain time in the future as well as the Present Continuous Tense, but the difference in the Future Continuous Tense "Medium" it was not now but tomorrow, will come, later.

  Formula :

( + )  S + will + be + Ving
( - )   S + will + not + be + Ving
( ? )  Will + S + be + Ving

  Example :

(+) She will be reading at 8 p.m
(- ) She will not be reading at 8 p.m
(?) Will she be reading at 8 p.m ?

3.   Future perfect tense

Future perfect tense present tense used to express something that will be completed in the future that have started in the past.
Formula :
( + )  S + will + have + V3
( - )   S + will + not + have + V3
( ? )   will + S + have + V3

Example :

(+) Dika will have rented my house next month
(- ) Dika will not have rented my house next month
(?) Will Dika have rented my house next month ?

4.   Future perfect continuous tense

Future perfect continuous tense is a form of work that is used to declare that an action would have been beralngsung for a long time at a certain point in time in the future or events that would have been, and still take place in the future.
Formula :

( + )   S + will + have + been + Ving
( - )    S + will + not + have + been + ving
( ? )   will + S + have + been + Ving

  Example :

(+) The cat will have been sleeping long
(- ) The cat won’t have been sleeping long
(?) Will the cat have been sleeping long ?

5.   Past future tense

Past future tense is a verb form used to express the events will be conducted in the past but not this time.Formula :

( + )  S + would + V1
( - )   S + would + not + V1
( ? )  would + S + V1

  Example :

(+) You would work
(- ) You would not work
(?) would you wok ?

6.   Past future continuous tense

Past future tense continuous tense is used to express the events that will be going on, at a specific time in the future.
Formula :

( + )  S + would + be + Ving
( - )    S + would + not + be + Ving
(  ? )   Would + S + be + Ving


(+) I would be taekwondo training at 6 yesterday.
(- ) I would not be taekwondo training at 6 yesterday.
(?) Would you be taekwondo training at 6 yesterday ?

7.   Past future perfect tense

Past tense is the future perfect tense is used to express something that's been happening, but it WILL but its position would have been passed.

Formula :
( + )   S + would + have + V3
 ( - )   S + would + not + have + V3
( ? )   would + S + have + V3

  Example :

(+) They would have driven home
(- ) They would not have driven home
(?) Would they have driven home ?

8.   Past future perfect continuous tense

Past continuous tense is the future perfect tense is used to express the events that will be, has been and still take place in the past, the past. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense about events or things that would have been taking place in the past.
Formula :

( + )  S + would + have + been + Ving
( - )   S + would + not + have + been + Ving
( ? )  would + S + have + been + Ving

  Example :

(+) She would have been working there for 1 year
(- ) She would not have been working there for 1 year
(? ) Would she have been working there for 1 year?


Format Full Block Style

1. Full Block Style

Full block style letter format is considered as the most formal letter format from the format or another form letter. In a letter full block style shaped in the letter of each line using the left. Although there are no official regulations on the use of full block style format but a full block style format commonly used in a query letter, announcements and, job applications.

Note the full block style format follows:


Example :

231 Blackmore Street
New York, N.Y. 20011 USA
Ref : JS/LL/12B
17th April, 2013

Messrs. Johnson Smith & Carlton Ltd
Managing Director
16 Fifth Avenue Street
Los Angeles, USA

Dear Sirs,
We have to rimind you that account for television ordered on 12 february has not yet been paid. Discount cannot now be allowed.
You will remember that we went to some trouble to meet your delivery date, and  we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delaying your payment.
A copy of the statement is enclosed, and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return.

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan R. Smith
Managing Director.

2. Block Style

Block style format or also can be called a simple letter format is a format letters are almost the same arrangement with a full block style that uses the left. Just writing the date, the name of the sender of a letter written in the light of the right letter.

Consider the following block style format:


Example :

Jln. Panglima Polem Raya No.21

Ref: GM/LG/14F                                                                                                        4th April, 2013

Mr. Walter D. Spencer
Purchase Manager
Bandung Continental Hotel
14 Jln. Papandayan
Bandung 20001 Jawa Barat

Dear Sirs,
We have pleasure in sending you a copy of our catalogue, price-list and terms of payment.

We would particularly like to draw your attention to the new towel which is specially designed for hotel guest on page 2 of the catalogue we enclose.

We are able to offer a special discount of a 15% on all orders above Rp. 15,000,000.00.

We hope you will be pleased with the catalogue we send you and look forward to receiving your first order.

Yours Sincerely,

George Soros
Marketing Manager

3. Semi Block Style

Semi-block style letter format as in another letter format used for official letter whose position is less formal than the full block style. Unlike the full block and block style styel, each paragraph formatted contents of the letter semi block style indented.
Note the semi-block style format follows :

Example :

150 Keban Agung Residence Street
Queensland, Brisbane 20009

Ref : DY/NV/7A 17th June, 2012
Mr. Andalusia M.Bob
Personal Manager
Indonesian Mobile Ltd
19 Triangle Street
Brisbane 17020

Dear Mr. Bob
We are considering Mr. Ahsyarudin Putra Omar alamnaharlan for the position of Accounting Manager eith our company. In his application, he mention your name as a reference.

We would appreciate your opinion of Mr. Ahsyarudin’s character, personality, skill and ability to handle accounting and creativity in accounting matters.

Any information you can give us will of course be kept confidential.

David Cameroon
General Manager

4. Hanging Style

While the format or form letters distinguish themselves with style hanging block style with Alenia write first letter of each paragraph is not indented, while Alenia later on further inside.

Note the hanging style format follows:

Example :

Jalan Baru Raya No. 35 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7277722

No                 : 015/JS/V/12                                                                                    5 April 2012
Atachment      : -
Point letter      : demand for computer deals

PT. Kencana Agung
Jalan Gunung Sahari No. 20
Central of Jakarta

Dear Sirs ,

We proclaim to you that our company has available budget in 2011 for the purchase of computers . From one relation , we obtain the information that the company you are engaged in office machinery equipment and supplies good quality .
In connection with the foregoing , we ask that you send a letter regarding offers computer equipment and supplies , with the following particulars :
1 . Terms of delivery of goods
2 . Terms of payment
3 . Discounts are given
4 . The number of available items
5 . After-sales service
In addition , we asked for was delivered leaflets , catalogs , and brochures goods.
For your attention , we thank you .

Your Sincerely,

Rollan Ferancia Komaji


5. Intended Style

Format or form letter intended this style is almost the same as the block style, the difference is in the writing addresses that resemble stairs.

Consider the following style intended format :

 Example :

No        : 12/P/1/13 January 10, 2013
Lamp    : -
It           : Offers of goods and services

           PT Nusantara Jaya
           Singasari road No. 24

Dear Sirs ,

           With this letter we intend memperkenalknan our company PT Abadi Sentosa , to Mr / Director of PT Nusantara Jaya at Jalan Singasari No.  24 Semarang .

           We are a company engaged in the procurement of goods and services of electrical installation and electrical installation work is experienced in office buildings or shopping . Therefore according to the information we collect , PT Nusantara Jaya is a property company that is rapidly growing and will build more shops and office buildings .
In relation to that , we made ​​an offer for the installation and electrical installations in our core business . Our hope , this offer can be realized in the form of cooperation that can benefit both parties . If the company Mr. interested , we are ready for more talks .
Similarly, we hereby offer letter , for your attention and cooperation we convey gratitude .
                                                                                                                                        Your sincerely,

  PT.Abadi Sentosa