Rabu, 11 Juni 2014


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Full Name                   : Reza Priyadi

Sex                             : Male

Place, Date of Birth     : Bekasi, 2 April 1992

Nationality                   : Indonesia

Marital Status              : Single

Height, Weight             : 180 cm, 77 kg

Health                          : excelent

Religions                      : Moslem

Address                       : Jalan Banteng, Kranji

Phone, Mobile             : 021 - 88959687

E-mail                          : rezapriyadi@gmail.com

Educational Background

1997 - 2003 : SD Negeri Kranji 5, Bekasi
2003 - 2006 : SMP Negeri 4, Bekasi
2006- 2009 : SMA Yadika 9, Bekasi
2010 - 2014 : Gunadarma University


My name is Reza Priyadi. I was the 2nd child of 3 brothers. I was born and grew up in jakarta. My father worked as an employee in one company in Jakarta and my mother worked as a housewife. I have 1 brother and 1 sister.

I love to read and happy with the new things. I also like to hang out with my friends. My hobby is playing basketball and football. Every day I always exercise. I also hobbies besides traveling, singing and cycling.

I start school at SDN Kranji 5 bekasi, then proceed to the SMP 4 bekasi, and in high school I went on at Yadika 9 Bekasi. When I graduated high school I worked at PT. SML as an employee for 1 year. And now I went to college at the University Gunadarma Bekasi, Faculty of Economics, majoring in economic management. Now I've 8th semester and hopefully I can pass this year with good results.

After graduation I want to work and then went on to pursue S2. I also want to be an entrepreneur. I love the competition and challenges. I believe I can become a successful entrepreneur.

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